Groonga CloudSearch

Groonga CloudSearch blog

Groonga CloudSearch 1.4.0 and Groonga CloudSearch Console 1.1.0 is out!

Today, we’ve shipped Groonga CloudSearch version 1.4.0 and Groonga CloudSearch Console 1.1.0. You can download the packages and read the tutorial on the home page of this project site.

What’s new? : Groonga CloudSearch

Groonga CloudSearch 1.4.0 includes following three topics.

Better compatibility to the Amazon CloudSearch

CLI tools improvements

Now Groonga CloudSearch CLI (Command Line Interface) tools accept “-e” (or ”–endpoint”) option to specify the endpoint of the configuration API. For example, if your remote Groonga CloudSearch server is accessible with the URI “”, then you’ll run the gcs-describe-domain command like:

$ gcs-describe-domain


$ gcs-describe-domain -e

The gcs-post-sdf command had an option named ”–endpoint” but it has been renamed to ”–document-endpoint”. ”–endpoint” is now works as an option to specify the endpoint of the configuration API. So, if you have a search domain named “companies” on the remote service, you’ll run the gcs-post-sdf command like:

$ gcs-post-sdf


$ gcs-post-sdf --domain-name=companies

By these changes, now gcs-commands are incompatible to the old one.

Improvements as a daemon

Now, you can configure the Groonga CloudSearch daemon (Port number, host name, etc.) via /etc/default/gcs if you installed Groonga CloudSearch from the debian package.

Moreover, log files (access.log, error.log and query.log) are available at /var/log/gcs.

What’s new? : Groonga CloudSearch Console

Groonga CloudSearch Console includes three major improvements.


Simple access control feature is now available. Specifying a pair of username and password via a command line option ”–auth” or an environment variable “GCS_CONSOLE_AUTH” will activate BASIC Auth. For example, if you wish to use “admin” as the username and “abcd1234”, then you’ll run following command line:

$ gcs-console --auth=admin:abcd1234

If you are running the Groonga CloudSearch Console as a daemon (installed from the debian package), then configurations including authentication are configured via the file /etc/default/gcs-console.

Then, you’ll be able to deploy Groonga CloudSearch Console to a public space.

(However, this is just temporally feature. In the future releases, we’ll add UIs to set and change the password via the Groonga CloudSearch Console itself.)

Management of index fields

Features to manage index fields are now available. Now you’ll create, modify, and delete index fields via the Groonga CloudSearch Console.

Posting SDF batches

Now you can upload SDF batches to post the Groonga CloudSearch server, via the Groonga CloudSearch Console.